Bishop Atilano Rodriguez of Ciudad Real in Spain urged Catholics this week not to shy away from their responsibilities in defending life, the family and the common good during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Worldwide Union of Catholic Women's Organizations (WUCWO).

“The human being should be the path of the Church and her priority in the future,” Bishop Rodriguez said, underscoring that the value of the human being “does not change” despite the “rapid social, political and religious changes” of society.  “The human being must be the center and apex of all that exists on the earth,” he said.

For this reason, he urged Catholics to work against “all forms of social, cultural, racial, economic and religious discrimination” because, in his opinion, such discrimination leads to “the division and humiliation of the human family.”

Bishop Rodriguez recognized that the Church and society are “deeply indebted to women” for their contribution “to the humanization of the world.”  “We must thank them for spreading the Gospel.  Today there are many women who are authentic apostles, true evangelists,” he added.

During the celebration, women from the WUCWO said their first priority in recent years has been the struggle against the sexual exploitation of women.  They pledged to provide to women, especially to immigrants, the necessary resources to help them to avoid the hands of exploitation networks.

Founded in 1910, the WUCWO represents today some 100 organizations of Catholic women around the world. Its mission is to promote the presence, participation and co-responsibility of Catholic women in society and in the Church so that they can fulfill their mission of evangelization and work for human development.