The apostolic nuncio to Spain, Archbishop Renzo Fratini, recently sent a message on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI to those celebrating Grandparents' Day on July 26, the feast day of Sts. Joachim and Ann.

The message is addressed to the president of the Messengers of Peace, Father Angel Garcia, and to the organizers and members of the organization, The Golden Age.

“The Holy Father, with appreciation for the religious, spiritual, human and social richness of grandparents, gladly joins in this gesture of affection and gratitude, and he encourages them to persevere in the faith, giving meaning with the light of Christ the Lord to all the moments of their lives,” the message states.

“May the Lord help them with his providence and mercy,” the message continues, “and imploring the protection of the holy grandparents Sts. Joaquin and Ann, and of their daughter, the glorious Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ our Lord, the Holy Father affectionately imparts to you his apostolic blessing, which he joyfully extends to your children, grandchildren and to all those participating in the celebration.”