The President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, Cardinal Julian Herranz, denounced this week the aggressive “secular fundamentalism” that is being imposed in Spain and which “could have very negative repercussions on fundamental sectors of society, such as marriage, the family and young people.”

The Cardinal made his statements as he presided at a Mass in the Roman Basilica of St. Augustine for the repose of the soul of the Archbishop Emeritus of Toledo, Spain, Cardinal Marcelo Gonzalez Martin, who recently passed away.

Cardinal Herranza expressed his concern, “which is shared by many Spaniards and by the Bishops Conference,” at what is happening “in our country both in politics and in public opinion.”

“The democratic concept of the secular state, which is right, is being transformed into something else in Spain: that of secular fundamentalism, and we share the fear that, regarding certain legislative measures currently in progress, this aggressive secularism will have negative repercussions on fundamental sectors and values of society,” the Cardinal said.

He added that the legislative measures are not only against the morals of Catholics and of other religions, but also against natural law and “the secular judicial concept itself of the common good.”

Concluding his homily, the Cardinal prayed to God “that no totalitarianism or secular and anti-religious fundamentalism would prevent the Spanish people from living together in peace and from working together in favor of the authentic progress of freedom—which is inseparable from the truth—in Spanish democracy.”