Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C. is slated to lecture on the topic of religious faith in shaping American society at the University of St. Thomas in Houston next month.

The speech, titled  “Religious Faith’s Role in Building a Good and Just Society,” will mark the first lecture for the Center for Faith and Culture's Master of Arts in Faith and Culture program. The talk will be held on Oct. 20, in the Chapel of St. Basil on campus.

“We look to religious faith for guidance as we struggle to build a good and just society,” Archbishop Wuerl said. “Faith conviction has a long-standing role in our American culture. It is precisely out of our religious experience that we have been able to form public policy in the United States in the areas of human dignity and the improvement of working conditions.

“We are reminded today that we also have a part in the efforts to transform our world, our society and our culture so that they are truly reflective of those values rooted in human nature and reflected in our faith experience – the bedrock for a culture in which justice and love flourish and peace is sustained,” he added.

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