This week, the personal secretary of Brazilian President Luiz Lula da Silva told high-ranking Church officials that if presidential candidate Dilma Rousseff continues to be called out for her stance on abortion, the country's accords with the Vatican will be reviewed.

The Italian news agency ANSA reported that the president's secretary, Gilberto Carvalho, met with members of the National Bishops' Conference of Brazil and told them that the government may carry out a review of the accords that establish aid for Catholic schools and other programs.

In recent weeks, the country's bishops have been vocal, reminding Catholics that they cannot support pro-abortion politicians.

Presidential frontrunner and Workers Party candidate Dilma Rousseff supports the legalization of abortion, believing it to be a matter of “public health.”

The run-off election will take place Oct. 31.

The current accords between Brazil and the Holy See were signed by President Lula and Pope Benedict XVI in 2007 in Brazil and were revised in 2009.