Bishop Jorge Luis Lona of San Luis, Argentina encouraged the faithful this week to pray the Rosary because its “repetitive rhythm of praise and supplication, like a sort of spiritual breathing,” helps one attain the gift of holiness.

“God gives us an immense aid. In order to be able to recognize and receive his gifts, he teaches us to practice praise and supplication,” the bishop said.

In this sense, “that is what the Rosary is,” as each one of its mysteries “is a repetitive rhythm of praise and supplication,” he continued.  “In Mary, we praise the gift of God, God himself who gives us Jesus Christ. And through her, we pray to be able to receive him now and at the doorstep to eternity.”

“God does not need our praise and prayers. We are the ones who need them,” he continued, noting that the Marian prayer helps us understand that we are offering praise for the true good, “because of we lose that, we lose everything,” the bishop added.

“It is the gift of the simplicity of a child, who learns to recognize and attain what is good at the side of his mother who loves him and in whose love he trusts.  This is the gift that God gives us each time we pray the Holy Rosary,” Bishop Lona said.