A state representative from Buenos Aires has sponsored a measure before the local parliament that calls for the creation of “sexual education workshops for parents,” enabling them to more effectively assume the moral and human formation of their children.

The bill, sponsored by State representative Jorge Enríquez, represents an innovative alternative to the efforts by various local officials to “standardize” sex-ed programs in the Buenos Aires region through school programs that promote contraception, ignore chastity, and in some cases encourage homosexual relationships.

Enriquez explained that one such program teaches that “sexuality changes according to age and person,” thus covertly promoting homosexuality.

“We know well that the problem of homosexuality, for example, has its origin in psychological and not genetic problems.  Therefore it is so important that boys and girls recognize themselves for who they are from a very young age, as persons with a naturally defined sexuality,” he said.

His proposal seeks “to help parents understand and cooperate with their child or teenager in his or her emotional maturation and formation of their own sexual integrity, thus fostering proper behavior in their social relationships.”

Enriquez acknowledged that adolescent sexual education is a difficult task and that “the disappearance of role models from most of society, whether in developed countries or in developing countries, has left children without positive influences, and at the same time parents have discovered they are unprepared to give them adequate answers.”

According to Enriquez, the sex-ed programs that tend to be used in many schools have become a substitute for  “the family and in general are merely information-based.  Sometimes a true deformation of consciences is even the result.  Parents themselves, because of the difficulties from their own lack of preparedness, have in many cases renounced their duty in this area or have simply delegated it to others.”

“Parents are the ones responsible for the physical and psychological health of their children and teenagers and for exercising their parental power, giving particular attention to the education of the will, the feelings and the emotions, and not limiting themselves solely to informing the intellect.  They are attentive to the reactions they observe in their children, their state of health, and the influence of family and friends,” Enriquez argued.

His bill proposes “Sexual Education Workshops for parents, tutors and others responsible for the care of children and teenagers,” which will provide information to adults and encourage them to cooperate with their children as they learn to emotionally mature and which will strengthen the collaboration between schools and families. 

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The voluntary workshops would be led by health care officials and teachers and would take place at both public and private schools as extracurricular programs.