Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has announced it will send emergency assistance to the Diocese of Les Gonaives, located in the region of Haiti hardest hit by Hurricane Jeanne.

ACN announded it received distressing news from the Apostolic Nuncio in Haiti, Archbshiop Mario Giordana, who said that in the Diocese of Les Gonaives the chancery is flooded with more than five feet of water and that Bishop Yves Marie Pean “was barely able to save the Blessed Sacrament and a statue of the Blessed Mother.”

According to ACN, “although this tropical storm was not as powerful as the hurricanes that preceeded it, it took many lives.  In Haiti more than 1,000 people died and another 1,000 are still missing after mudslides and flashfloods ravaged the area last weekend.”

“This disaster has dealt another blow to the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, as more than 1,000 people died in May from the terrible floodings in the east, and in February President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was deposed, leading to political caos and armed rebellion and looting,” said ACN.