Bishop Luis Stockler of Quilmes, Argentina reflected on the celebration of Christmas, pointing out that the image of Christ in the manger “shows us how much God loves us.”

The bishop explained in his Christmas message, released Dec. 15 that as “we set up our nativity scenes  … and place the baby Jesus in the manger, let us look upon him with amazement and fervor, because this child shows us how much God loves us.”

“The faith of our ancestors becomes even stronger in us Christians, because we know that in Jesus, God truly looked upon us with human eyes and listened to us with human ears,” he said.

The baby Jesus “shows us that the greatness of man lies not in the riches he accumulates but in the riches He bestows on us.  He opens our eyes to our dignity as children of God—which we are from the moment of our baptism—and which no one can take away from us.”

Bishop Stockler concluded his message praying that the baby Jesus “show us how we can overcome the barriers that separate us in our personal lives …  and that he give us the strength to take the first step ourselves.”