Fr. Juan Carlos Mari is calling on the president of Ecuador to reverse a “family planning campaign” that would provide condoms and contraceptive pills free of charge.

The priest sent an open letter to President Rafael Correa on March 25. He called the president to focus instead on “teaching values and a correct understanding of sexuality, continence and chastity among young people.”

These measures are more effective in preventing teen pregnancies, the priest added.

The Ecuadoran president’s proposed family planning program would create a society that can no longer “distinguish between “good and evil, or worse yet, that would end up calling what is evil good and what is good evil,” Fr. Mari said. It would be a society “hovering between perversion and the lowest of animal instincts,” he warned.

Moreover, he continued, “the door to the diabolical monstrosity of legal abortion would be opened, which,” he cautioned, would be the next logical step. “Once this happens, it would be the beginning of the end of Ecuadoran society as we know it. For, a government and a society that ‘legalizes’ the killing of the innocent is profoundly corrupt and is heading towards destruction.”

Fr. Mari stated that he is proud of his Catholic identity and that he would “happily give up his life for Christ, my Lord, and for the Holy Catholic Church.” For this reason, he said, he is raising his voice “in response to these unfortunate acts that will destroy human lives forever.”

He said that while he respects President Correa’s work on social issues, he hopes that at the end of his term the president will not “feel guilty that he has opened wide the doors to the perversion of young people. Because unfortunately at that point he will not be able to fix it.”

“I will invest my time into educating teens and young adults, providing them with appropriate guidance about true love and caring for the future of my country,” Fr. Mari concluded.