The Natural Family Planning Center of Peru reported that 30,000 people participated in the March for Life in Lima.

Auxiliary Bishop Raul Chau of Lima noted that the May 21 event “was a festival in which Catholics clearly said that we do not want abortion in our country because that would mean legalizing the deaths of thousands of innocent babies.”

The thousands of participants carried banners, balloons and signs as they marched through the streets of the Peruvian capital.

Martin Tantalean, the president of the Natural Family Planning Center, told CNA the massive event was a sign of the growing grassroots movement among Peruvians to make their voices heard to the country’s leaders.

“It is important that Peruvians speak out in support of life and demand that both of the candidates in the runoff elections on June 5 respect the constitution, in order to defend all unborn babies in Peru,” he said.

The march concluded with addresses by numerous leaders and a Catholic music concert.