Numerous pro-life organizations in Argentina are holding a rally outside the nation’s capitol building to protest a bill that would legalize abortion in the country.

According to the AICA news agency, the Consortium of Catholic Doctors said the purpose of the July 13 rally is “to convey our position on abortion while the hearing is taking place since, given that the majority of lawmakers on the committee have signed on to the abortion measure, we cannot enter the building.”

The rally comes as the Argentinean Congress welcomes the president of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the U.N. Relator for Argentina, Luz Patricia Mejia. Mejia is an outspoken proponent of sexual and reproductive health and an abortion rights advocate.

Mejia has been invited to address the Committee on Criminal Legislation of the Argentinean Congress, which is considering a bill that would legalize abortion in the country.

The measure, which so far has the support of more than 50 congressional leaders, would allow girls ages 14 and older to obtain abortion without parental consent. It would permit federal funds to be used for abortions and would allow the procedure on demand up until the third month or pregnancy.

The bill would also limit the right of health care workers to conscientious objection.