The recent birth of David and Victoria Beckham’s baby daughter, Harper Seven, is good news for the future of humanity, according to a population expert who teaches at the London School of Economics.

“Congratulations to David and Victoria! The arrival of a fourth Beckham baby is certainly great news for them – but it’s also good news for the economy and the future of the planet,” said Dr. Dermot Grenham in an Aug. 10 interview with CNA.

Dr. Grenham was responding to several leading figures in the population control movement who condemned the Beckhams for having another child.

“No sooner does a celebrity have three or four children than the doomsayers start complaining that they are giving a very bad example to the rest of us who might all start having more children.

“If only this were true,” lamented Dr. Grenham, whose latest book “On Population” will be released in January.

“Birth rates in richer countries are already below replacement level, in some countries well below, which means that sooner or later there will be a dwindling number of workers to support the elderly. What sort of society will that leave to our children?”

His comments contrast sharply with those from the likes of Simon Ross, chief executive of the U.K.-based Optimum Population Trust, who last month criticized the Beckhams as “very bad role models.” Ross added, “there’s no point in people trying to reduce their carbon emissions and then increasing them by 100% by having another child.”

Dr. Grenham, though, says the Beckhams are actually “very good role models,” as many countries around the world – and not just wealthy western states – are now facing a worrying population crisis.

“Many poorer countries are already having to deal with an aging population before they have generated enough wealth to be able to provide the level of social protection such as old age pensions that we are used to.”
The birth of baby Harper Seven Beckham last month gave a sister to David and Victoria’s three sons – 12-year-old Brooklyn Joseph, 8-year-old Romeo James and 6-year-old Cruz David. The family presently lives in California, where David plays for the Los Angeles Galaxy in Major League Soccer. The Beckhams joint wealth is estimated at over $200 million.
“So good on the Beckhams for having four children and future taxpayers who - if they are half as successful as their parents - will be contributing mightily towards my pension,” quipped Dr. Grenham.