Father Gino Concetti, theologian of the official Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano, is denouncing the decision of the Massachusetts Supreme Court on homosexual marriages, saying the possibility of establishing a “marriage” between persons of the same sex “gravely wounds the human dignity and should never be justified.”

This week the Supreme Court of Massachusetts handed down in decision ordering the state legislature to legalize unions between two persons of the same sex.

In his comments Father Concetti made reference to the dictionary of ethics published last April by the Pontifical Council for the Family and to the Vatican’s exhortations last August that politicians refuse support for efforts to legalize homosexual unions.

Homosexual activity “is a moral disorder because it contradicts the natural order, which establishes that unions be based on heterosexual relationships,” he said, adding that homosexual unions “go against the will of God, who made men and women equal and complementary, destined not only to love each other but to procreate as well.”