Asked Wednesday if President Joe Biden intends to work with the pro-life community, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that the president "will reach out to all Americans".
Owen Jensen, EWTN News Nightly's White House correspondent, asked Psaki during Feb. 3's press briefing if Biden, who had "stated he wants to unite the country," was going to work with Americans who are opposed to abortion.

Jensen noted that Biden has already repealed pro-life policies and pledged support for abortion-all while emphasizing the need for unity.

"In the first two weeks he's been in office, however, and much to the great disappointment of pro-life Americans, he has revoked the Mexico City Policy, he has ordered the review of Title X and issued a statement strongly supporting Roe v. Wade," said Jensen. "Is the president going to make any effort to reach out to pro-life Americans in his administration?"

Psaki said that Biden had "long" supported revoking the Mexico City Policy and the Roe v. Wade decision, and was "delivering on promises he made on the campaign trail" by issuing statements and revoking pro-life policy.

"But the president will reach out to all Americans, and that is how he's going to govern-what he talked about in his Inaugural Address," said Psaki. "And he has every intention of delivering on that promise."

In the address, Biden said that "to restore the soul and secure the future of America requires so much more than words," and added that "it requires the most elusive of all things in a democracy, unity. Unity."

Biden also quoted St. Augustine to underline the need for unity in truth.

"Many centuries ago, St. Augustine, a saint in my Church, wrote that a people was a multitude defined by the common objects of their love," he said. These "common objects" that define Americans, said Biden, are "opportunity, security, liberty, dignity, respect, honor and, yes, the truth."

He added that "each of us has a duty and a responsibility as citizens, as Americans, and especially as leaders, leaders who have pledged to honor our Constitution and protect our nation, to defend the truth and defeat the lies."

Psaki has previously described Biden as a "devout Catholic," despite his consistent campaigning for permissive abortion laws.
Jensen asked Wednesday if Biden will "use his faith to guide him in policy decision-making."
Psaki, again, declined to answer Jensen directly, saying that the president attends church "nearly every weekend" and that going to church is important to him personally.
"He's talked about the impact of his faith on healing, and everything he's been through as a human being," said Psaki. "So certainly it's a guide to him as a human being."

At an earlier press briefing, on Jan. 20, Jensen had asked Psaki what Biden planned to do regarding the Hyde Amendment and the Mexico City Policy, which Biden has opposed because they limit abortion funding.

"I think we'll have more to say on the Mexico City Policy in the coming days," Psaki responded.
"But I will just take the opportunity to remind all of you that he is a devout Catholic, and somebody who attends church regularly," she told reporters. "He started his day with attending his church this morning."

Biden repealed the Mexico City Policy Jan. 28.