Bishop Daniel Flores of Brownsville announced Thursday via Twitter that he is granting a dispensation from abstinence from meat for tomorrow, the Friday after Ash Wednesday.

"I am granting a general dispensation in the Diocese from the law of Lenten abstinence from meat tomorrow, February 19, 2021. Many families in the Diocese will have no other option except to eat what they have," Bishop Flores tweeted Feb. 18.

He added, "The law does not intend to add hardship to what is already a situation of great hardship for many. Those who can observe the discipline may, of course, do so. I suggest for the intentions of those suffering at this time."

The Diocese of Brownsville has been particularly affected by the winter storm currently hitting the southern region of the US.

Blackouts in Texas have created shortages of energy, food, and water, forcing the region to suspend classes, create "warming centers" for the elderly,  and issue alerts to boil tap water because of blackouts at water treatment plants.