Vatican City, Nov 14, 2004 / 22:00 pm
In reflections made before praying the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square yesterday, Pope John Paul II, noting that Italy was “celebrating a Day of Thanksgiving to God for the fruits of the earth harvested during the year,” said that "thanksgiving is fully expressed in the Eucharist.”
“In every holy Mass,” said the Holy Father, “we bless the Lord, God of the universe, presenting Him with bread and wine, 'fruits of the earth and the work of human hands'. To these simple foods Christ bound His sacrificial oblation. United to Him, believers also are called to offer God their lives and their daily work."
Genoa, this year’s ‘European capital of culture,’ hosted the Italian celebration this year. “I gladly join the prayers of the Genoa ecclesial community and of all who work in various ways in the agricultural sector," said the Pope.
In concluding the Pope asked "Mary, Mother of Divine Providence, to teach us to be grateful to the Lord for all that nature and human labor produce for our sustenance, to make us ready to share our resources with those in need."