The American Life League published an ad in yesterday’s Washington Times, directed at the United States bishops who are meeting in Washington this week.

The pro-life group hopes that the bishops will decide to take a firmer stance against Catholic politicians who support abortion.

The ad’s main message is in its tag line, which states: "You can't be Catholic and pro-abortion."

"The scandal of pro-abortion Catholic public figures continues," it says.

Beneath a photograph of Sen. John Kerry is the tagline: "Even a loser's soul is worth saving."

The text states that under Canon Law 915, "pro-abortion 'Catholics' like John Kerry must NOT be allowed to receive Holy Communion."

The ad notes that during this year's presidential campaign, 10 of America's 186 Catholic bishops were "bold enough to warn Mr. Kerry that he would be denied the Eucharist in their dioceses."

"Now that the election is over, we pray [the bishops'] number one priority will be counseling and instructing John Kerry and the 69 other pro-abortion 'Catholic' politicians in Congress, who scoff at God and scorn His Church, that if they obstinately persist in their support for abortion, they will be denied the body and blood of Christ in Holy Communion," the ad says.

"All American babies will be protected from abortion when the Eucharist is protected by all American bishops," the ad concludes.

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