The Archbishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra said in his homily on Sunday that the high rate of domestic violence and the murder of women in Bolivia must be addressed with public policies that respect "the sacredness of life and the dignity of every person."

According to the Bolivian Attorney General’s Office, from Jan. 1 through June 15, 56 women and 14 infants were murdered.

"It’s an alarming statistic that we should make us think and all of us, citizens and institutions, especially at the various levels of the state, should make a commitment so that these crimes, which are also very serious sins in the eyes of God, come to an end," Archbishop Sergio Alfredo Gualberti Calandrina said.

"In addition to demanding that the justice system act with the full weight of the law, it’s necessary to implement public prevention policies, including in  the educational system, so that from childhood one learns to reject any macho and violent attitudes and to respect the sacredness of life and the dignity of every person.”

The archbishop said the media also "play a significant role" since they must present "the facts clearly and impartially, avoiding sensationalism and morbidity, prioritizing programs that promote human values and helping people to distinguish good from evil and to opt for a fraternal and peaceful coexistence.”

“This situation challenges us all. Let us join forces so no more innocent victims of blind violence be mourned and ask the Lord to give us the courage to bear a living witness to the new commandment of love that He has left us: 'Love one another, as I have loved you,” he urged.

Archbishop Gualberti also spoke out March 8, International Women’s Day, against injustices women suffer.

The bishop said at that time that women should be recognized as having  "a dignity equal to men.”

"No effort should be spared to implement measures to avoid this scourge of disparity, starting with the education of the younger generations in order to make a break with a perverse macho mentality."

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In addition, Archbishop Gualberti stressed the urgency of "joining forces to prohibit violence and divisions," as well as "establishing relations of equality and equity" together with "consolidating a reconciled and peaceful society, where everyone has the same conditions for a decent life. "