In a message sent to Bishop Juan Garcia Rodriguez, President of the National Committee for Justice and Peace of the Church in Cuba, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, in the name of Pope John Paul II, sent an extensive encouraging greeting to the 9th Catholic Social Week in Cuba which is taking place in the country this week under the theme, “Truth, Justice, Love, Liberty, Fundamentals of Peace According to Pacem in Terris.”

The letter signed by Cardinal Sodano states that in the unceasing mission of announcing the Reign of God in diverse cultures, nations and surroundings, “the teaching and application of the Catholic social doctrine is a magnificent instrument of evangelization for the Church.”

The letter underscores also that “these teachings from the so-called ‘social Gospel’ should be inculturated in a continuous and persistent fashion, in the concrete circumstances in which the Christian faithful are called to transform society with the force and light of the Gospel.”

The message encourages “the presentation of Christian social thought in accord with the fundamental qualities of the identity of the Cuban people, and that it be communicated in a comprehensible language” and thus “enlighten human existence and social realities.”

“This will promote, without a doubt, a conversion and a style of social relationships based on respect, the defense and promotion of the dignity and the inherent rights of all human persons,” the statement adds.

The Cuban drama
“The 9th Catholic Social Week in Cuba,” Cardinal Sodano went on, “should keep in mind the peculiar circumstances affecting this noble and beloved people.”

”It is a duty and right of each citizen to make the effort to find among all a peaceful outcome to crises.  But it is equally a duty especially of lay Christians, who are called by their vocation and mission inside the Church to be light, salt, and yeast in the transformation of the society in which they work and which they serve in the truth and freedom of the children of God,” wrote the Cardinal.

“It is our hope,” he concluded, “that the 9th Catholic Social Week will be for Catholics of this beloved country an opportunity to provide the appropriate Christian contribution to the future of Cuba.”