In a telegram sent this morning to Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J., archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the death of his predecessor, Cardinal Juan Carlos Aramburu, Pope John Paul II recalled “his deep love for the Church and his zeal for saving souls,” noting also that he participated in Vatican II.

"Deeply saddened upon learning the news of the death of our beloved Cardinal Juan Carlos Aramburu, archbishop emeritus of Buenos Aires, after a long life of total dedication to God and in service to the Church, living with sobriety and distinguishing himself by prudence and integrity,” read the Pope’s telegram, “I wish to express my condolences to you, the auxiliary bishops, clergy, religious communities and the lay people of this archdiocese. I join you in commending to the mercy of the heavenly Father this zealous pastor who with such pastoral charity served his people and the Church.”

"His generous and intense work,” continued the Pope’s words, “first as a priest and then as the bishop of Tucuman and then for 23 years as the archbishop of this particular Church, extending his ministerial work after his retirement in the shrine of St. Cajetan as a witness to the cause of the Gospel, all are proof of his deep love for the Church and his zeal for saving souls.”

"In these moments of pain when the ecclesial community of Buenos Aires and so many Argentinean faithful mourn their beloved pastor, and recalling his participation in Vatican Council II, his service to the universal Church and the welcome he showed me during my pastoral trip to Argentina in 1987, I am happy to impart with affection the comforting apostolic blessing as a sign of hope in the victory of the Risen Lord," wrote the Holy Father.