Father Pedro Pedraza, the rector of the Lourdes Grotto Shrine in Santiago, Chile, has reported that two ciboria which had contained consecrated Hosts were stolen from the shrine’s tabernacle March 28.

The Daughters of Saint Ann, nuns who live in the area, were "alerted by a call from parents from Saint Ann School," who told them that there were "hosts lying in the street."

Around 4:30 p.m. the superior picked up "some hosts and then others were found, along the same street."

One ciborium was silver plated, and the other gold plated.

In his statement, the rector lamented "the sad and painful news" and asked the faithful to join in prayers of reparation.

“Forgiveness, Lord, for you were thrown away like garbage and by what we dare to do to you! What else do you have to put up with us doing to you?” the statement concluded.

The community will hold an act of reparation March 30, beginning with the rosary, followed by Mass.