Nearly 12,000 people attended the beatification of Pauline Jaricot in Lyon, France, on Sunday.

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle presided over the beatification Mass in Lyon’s exhibition hall on May 22, during which a relic of Jaricot’s heart was carried in procession.

Tagle, the prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, praised Jaricot for her missionary zeal to bring Jesus’ love to more people.

“We marvel at how docile Pauline Jaricot was to the Holy Spirit, who prompted her with new ideas and initiatives for spreading the Gospel and serving the poor,” Tagle said.

Jaricot, who was a friend of St. John Vianney, founded the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in 1822 when she was in her early twenties. The association helped Catholics to assist the foreign missions through prayer and small donations.

She later founded the Association of the Living Rosary, which was a great success in France and soon spread beyond it.

“To love Jesus is to let him, who is the Word of God, live, act and love in me and through me,” Tagle said in his homily, which he read in French.

“We see in Pauline Jaricot a living witness to the power of love for Jesus, a love that becomes an identification with Jesus.”

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Miracle recipient Mayline Tran. In Your Name/Diocèse de Lyon Flickr photostream.
Miracle recipient Mayline Tran. In Your Name/Diocèse de Lyon Flickr photostream.

The miracle

Among those present at the live-streamed beatification ceremony were 13-year-old Mayline Tran and her family.

Tran experienced a medically inexplicable healing in 2012 at the age of three that was deemed by a panel of experts to be a medical miracle attributed to Jaricot’s intercession.

Tran had fallen into a coma after suffering from cardiac arrest. The oxygen supply had been cut off to her brain after the three-year-old choked on a small French sausage.

The Tran family, who were not originally from Lyon, had never heard of Pauline Jaricot. But parents at the girl’s Catholic school, connected to Jaricot’s Living Rosary group, organized a prayer novena with the participation of the entire school asking for Jaricot’s intercession for her healing.

The girl made a complete medical recovery within months after doctors had informed the Tran family that their daughter had no chance of being able to walk or talk again.

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“Miracles do exist and Mayline is living proof of it,” Emmanuel Tran, her father, told the crowd before the Mass, according to the French daily newspaper Ouest-France.

Pope Francis greets a crowd of an estimated 25,000 people gathered in St. Peter's Square in Rome for his Regina Caeli address on May 22, 2022. Vatican Media
Pope Francis greets a crowd of an estimated 25,000 people gathered in St. Peter's Square in Rome for his Regina Caeli address on May 22, 2022. Vatican Media

An example of evangelization

On the day of the beatification, Pope Francis praised Jaricot for her courage and vision regarding the Church’s mission.

“May her example enkindle in everyone the desire to participate through prayer and charity in the spread of the Gospel throughout the world,” the pope said from the window of the Vatican’s apostolic palace at the end of his Regina Coeli address.

In a letter read aloud at the beatification, Pope Francis said that he was entrusting the spiritual fruitfulness of the Archdiocese of Lyon to the intercession of Jaricot and St. Irenaeus of Lyon, whom the pope declared a Doctor of the Church earlier this year.

“Pauline dedicated her life to the mission, to the service of the poor and to prayer,” the pope wrote in the letter.

“May our charity be as inventive and effective as hers, let us learn to offer generously what we are, our talents to God, and to our brothers and sisters, especially the poorest, to give of our means to support the mission that is incumbent on all of us in the Church to bring the Gospel to the world,” he said.