The Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Sean O'Malley, has issued a letter encouraging Catholics to visit and read the recently launched English edition of  "Humanitas," a Christian anthropological and cultural review, edited by the Pontifical Catholic University in Chile.

Dr. Jaime Antúnez, director of "Humanitas," told CNA that the idea to translate the magazine into English responds to "a suggestion made by the Holy See, specifically the Congregation for Catholic Education."

The congregation pointed out that "since Humanitas runs regularly essays from the greatest Catholic minds around the world, there was a compelling reason to make it available to a wider readership, beginning with the English language."

"It is also a response to the call made by Blessed Pope John Paul in his Apostolic Exhortation  'Ecclesia in America,' to see America, North, Central and South, as one people of God on this side of the Atlantic," Antúnez said.

In his open letter, Cardinal O'Malley writes that the electronic English edition does an excellent job of expanding its "mission of service to the Catholic Church, the Holy Father and the Magisterium."

"This important journal assembles an exceptional group of international Catholic authors who focus on the intersection of faith and culture in the world today," the cardinal stated.

He recommended reading it to those who are responsible for college campus ministry and adult faith formation in dioceses throughout the United States.

Humanitas is accessible in English at: