The Vatican has approved a complete investigation into the cause of sainthood of a former Mormon wife and mother who reported visions of Jesus and a mission to promote "The Mystical Humanity of Christ."

The March 29 letter of approval from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to Monterey Bishop Richard Garcia was necessary for further investigation into the life of Cora Evans.

Evans, who was baptized in 1935 in Utah after becoming disillusioned by the Mormon faith, died March 30, 1957, near Monterey. She reported visions of Jesus and the saints and a mission from Jesus to promote the "Mystical Humanity of Christ," the idea that Christ is always within us and we should behave always as Christ would, said Mike McDevitt, a parishioner at Our Lady of the Pillar in Half Moon Bay, who is the promoter of Evans' cause of sainthood. The spirituality is also focused on praying the Mass.

Evans' two children, husband Mack, and many family and friends followed her from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints into the Catholic faith.

The letter from Congregation Prefect Cardinal Angelo Amato granted the nihil obstat for "the Cause for Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God, Cora Louise Evans."

"While canon law clearly states that there is no certainty that Cora Evans will become a saint, the nihil obstat indicates Vatican approval for the process to proceed," McDevitt said.

Bishop Garcia appointed Marianist Father David Schuyler to take testimony of approximately eight eye witnesses, including Evans' daughter, McDevitt said. A theological review of Evans' writings will begin and a historical commission will collect relics and other materials. The completed dossier will be sent to Rome.

For the Catholic Church to declare someone a saint, a miracle must occur and be verified after the cause of sainthood is opened. That will lead to the person being declared Blessed. After beatification, another miracle must occur and be verified for canonization, that is, sainthood.

From July 13, 2012 issue of Catholic San Francisco.

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Posted with permission from the Catholic San Francisco. Offical newspaper for the Diocese of San Francisco.