Speaking yesterday from his balcony overlooking St. Peter’s square befor praying the Angelus, Pope John Paul II urged Christians to rediscover 'with new strength the meaning of Sunday: its 'mystery,' the value of its celebration, its significance for the Christian and human life."

His words referred to the theme of the 24th Italian National Eucharistic Congress which will be held in May 2005, which is “Without Sunday, We Cannot Live,” which he asked all Italian’s to prepare for by rediscovering Sunday.

He also mentinoned that yesterday, the first Sunday of Advent, was the first day of the new liturgical year "during which we will contemplate with particular fervor the face of Christ present in the Eucharist.”

“ Jesus, Incarnate Word, who died and rose from the dead, is the center of history,” said the Holy Father. “The Church adores Him and discovers in Him the ultimate and unifying meaning of all the mysteries of faith: the love of God that gives life.”