A Peruvian cardinal is asking the faithful to participate in the March for Life in Lima on March 23 to show their unwavering support for the dignity of all human life.

"The time has come to demonstrate with action and on the streets," said Cardinal Juan Luis Ciprian of Lima.

The lives of the unborn are "in danger from very powerful forces that have a lot of money," he warned.

Those pushing for abortion have lost their way, since they are working "to campaign for the elimination of unprotected lives," he continued.

In announcing the march, Cardinal Cipriani underscored the importance of diversity among participants, highlighting the laity, politicians, journalists, artists, parents and young people.

"The Archdiocese of Lima gives all of its support so that we may demonstrate in a public and open way the love for life, the love for that God who has given us life," he added.

"What we really want is to affectionately and tenderly protect your life and mine because once we were protected by our own mothers," he explained, adding that "the height of cynicism is to say that these abortion campaigns are for the protection of women."

Those who stand for life are on the side of rationality, the cardinal said, while those who support abortion are choosing the irrational.

"Abortion is murder," he stressed, and society must not allow such "serious destruction."

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