The director of a Dutch abortion boat will travel to Argentina on December 9 in order to promote through a book release the legalization of abortion in the country.

Rebecca Gomperts, director of the Dutch abortion boat, will join Argentinean abortion supporter and congressman Noemi Oliveto of the movement, “Self determination and Freedom,” for an event to mark the release of a new anti-catholic book entitled, “The 11th Commandment: Woman, thou shalt not choose.”

Since early 2004 and just after beginning her term at the state legislature, Oliveto, wife of pro-abortionist Luis Zamora, has sponsored several debates aimed at legalizing abortion in the country.

Oliveto began a series of Friday debates in the Buenos Aires state legislature that took place over several months but drew little attention.  She then tried “theater-debates” at the state house based on the book, “If the Pope Were a Woman,” but drew an equally poor response.

Oliveto finally gained media attention by inviting Gomperts, of the Dutch group “Women on the Waves,” to visit Argentina.  The group operates an abortion ship that travels to countries where abortion is legal in order to offer the procedure to women from international waters.  Despite having visited the shores of several countries where abortion is illegal, the group has never been able to perform a single abortion.

Oliveto has stayed in spotlight by saying the abortion boat might travel to Argentina mid-next year.