More than 100,000 Peruvians bore the heat on March 23 to take part in the Great March for Life 2013, voicing support for the defense of human life from conception to natural death.

The marchers also expressed opposition to any efforts to legalize abortion in the country.

The pro-life march, which began at 9 a.m. local time, stretched for ten blocks down one of Lima's most important avenues. 

Entire families with their children and young babies took part in the march, along with a large number of young people wearing pro-life t-shirts.

The Reyes Aranguren, a family of quintuplets, was among those taking part in the event.  In a recent interview with CNA, they shared their testimony and said that "without God, we would have had an abortion."

Participants observed a minute of silence during the march in honor of the babies who have died from abortion. Organizers also released hundreds of white balloons.

Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani addressed the participants at Lima's Ramon Catilla Park and thanked the Peruvian Congress for declaring March 25 the Day of the Unborn Child.

Attendance at the march was more than double that of 2012, when some 40,000 took part in the event.