The Catholic high schools of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are hoping to raise $100,000 by Jan. 30 – Catholic Schools Week – for the tsunami survivors in Asia, reported the Cincinnati Enquirer. The money will be sent to Catholic Relief Services.

Efforts to raise funds in elementary and high schools across Greater Cincinnati are off to a strong start.

Local teachers told the Cincinnati Enquirer that they are moved by the compassion and generosity the students have demonstrated for victims of the disaster. Students in low-income areas have donated their lunch money, part of their allowance or the money they got as Christmas gifts.

The newspaper also reported that 21 fifth-graders at St. Bernard School had collected 46 pounds of coins and bills in just three days and several schools have organized prayer services.

Fourth-grade teacher Alyssa Adkins at Delshire Elementary told her students she would match their donations. The students have already donated $107.