The “State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals” in Spain announced on Sunday that it will launch a campaign against the Catholic Church in response to recent statements of the Spanish bishops criticizing a law that would legalize homosexual “marriage.”

“We will ask that nobody give a penny to the Catholic Church during the next tax-filing season,” said the group’s president, Beatriz Gimeno.

In the statement, the group announces it has been planning a campaign to call on citizens, “even those who are Christians,” to “civically punish” the Catholic Church by not checking the box on their tax returns that authorizes a portion of their taxes be given to the Church, and instead to give that money to “other social works.” 

Gimeno claimed, “The well-intentioned message (of the Church) to reeducate homosexual persons, in order to correct supposed deviations or defects” is in reality “the ideological alibi for violent groups to attack gays, lesbians, transsexuals and bisexuals.”