The Spanish daily “La Razón” denounced the Spanish Cooperation Agency for having as one of its goals the spread of abortion in countries where it is outlawed.

According to the Agency’s plan for 2005-2008, reports La Razón, the Agency “seeks to help reduce maternal and infant mortality by supporting the ‘right to medical attention in cases of termination of unwanted pregnancies’.”

“With the promotion of a practice that is defined as a crime by numerous national legislatures, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation could be in serious conflict with diverse Latin American countries in whose territories abortion practices are expressly prohibited,” the newspaper warned.

The plan reveals that “the efforts of the Spanish Cooperation will focus on sexual education, family planning (providing information and access to contraceptives), prenatal care and the right to medical care in cases of termination of unwanted pregnancies.”

La Razón recalled that, “The Agency maintains links with abortion organizations.  It is referenced in ‘sexual and reproductive health’ publications and it collaborates with the International Planned Parenthood Federation.”

“The Agency is related to the Spanish Group on Population, Development and Reproductive Health, an organization which promotes abortion as part of sexual and reproductive health. Although the Agency’s support for ‘reproductive health’ is not new (the Agency set aside more than $500,000 for such purpose in 2000), what is new is its explicit plan to promote abortion during the next four years,” La Razón concluded.