Archbishop Fernando Sebastián of Pamplona, Spain, said last week morality should be a factor in all political activity, in seeking out the common good for all citizens.

The archbishop pointed out that any political action should take into account moral issues, “which are expressed through service to the common good of the majority of citizens.”

In a pastoral letter, the archbishop called on Spanish society to defend marriage and avoid making homosexual marriage legal.  Responding to critics, he said, “I have shown no scorn, aggression or discrimination” against those who suffer from this disorder.

Archbishop Sebastián said his letter expresses “the feelings of the great majority of the population, based on anthropological foundations, with no intention of offending anybody.”  He said he was surprised by “the intolerance of those who crush anyone who doesn’t think like them.” 

He also explained that, “When we issue these warnings from the Church it is not because of a lack of care or respect for homosexuals, but rather to prevent the spread of this problem which causes so much suffering, to defend out young people from bad experiences which can lead to many difficulties, and to let homosexuals know that, if they wish, under proper guidance, they can change their situations.”

Archbishop Sebastian made his statements while presenting his book, “Archbishop Fernando Sebastián: Witness of the Gospel,” which is a collection of various letters, homilies, and speeches which he has given during his 25 years as a bishop.