The association Sign of Light of the Schoenstatt Movement has begun collecting signatures against late-term abortions, which German law permits even when the baby could survive outside the mother’s womb.

The practice of late-term abortions in Germany is based on an article in the Penal Code that established abortion as “not punishable” when it is believed that the birth of a child will gravely affect the life or health of the mother.

Organizers of the signature drive hope to influence the next legislative session in the German congress which will begin on February 16. 

“We encourage our Schoenstatt Family and all people to raise their voices against this terrible form of abortion.  We believe it is possible to achieve a real change in the law, so that the life of the unborn is protected,” said Ulrike Eichenberg, spokesman for Sign of Light.

Sign of Light helps pregnant women by giving them economic assistance as well as psychological and spiritual care.