Sacred Heart of Mary Parish in Boulder, Colorado has been burying the remains of aborted babies for years but this Sunday may be the last time.

Boulder’s Crist Mortuary has been picking up the aborted remains from the Boulder Abortion Clinic—one of the oldest running abortion clinics in the country—and offering to cremate the children.

The Mortuary had then been quietly giving the cremated remains to the local Catholic parish who has buried over 2000 babies in a specially dedicated memorial section of the church’s cemetery.

This Sunday, the parish plans to bury more than 600 more, but many fear that because of recent publicity, this could be the last time.

Boulder Abortion Clinic director, Dr. Warren Hern has expressed outrage at his discovery Sacred Heart of Mary’s practice and rumors of a pro-abortion protests on Sunday have been circulating in Denver area media.

The burial will take place in honor of the 32nd anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision, which legalized abortion in the U.S.