The Postulator of the cause of beatification and canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta has announced the relics of Mother Teresa will be displayed for public veneration on October 11-26 in the Crypt of the Antonianum University of Rome.

According to the Fides news agency, the Postulator’s office explained that “Mother Teresa will speak to the faithful herself” through the objects that belonged to her, through the pictures, the documents and the unpublished writings that will be on display. 

“We hope those who visit will have an encounter with Mother Teresa, with her humanity and her simplicity,” organizers said.

Among the objects to be displayed for the first time will be her profession crucifix, prayer books, sandals, the journal she kept as nurse, and the international awards she received.  

A Eucharistic adoration chapel will also be available for visitors to spend time in prayer.