Priests for Life is calling on the Democratic Party to be more representative of grassroots Democrats and inclusive of pro-lifers. It issued this statement after former congressman Tim Roemer dropped out of the race for chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

The Catholic and former Indiana Representative had joined the race at the beginning of January hoping to expand the party both geographically to the south and ideologically to include pro-lifers.

"Mr. Roemer's opposition to abortion rights, and his call for his party to be more inclusive of pro-life Democrats, is far more representative of grassroots Democrats than the extreme position that marks the party's official stance,” said Priests’ for Life.

The national pro-life priests’ organization is now calling on Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont, a favorite in the race for DNC chairman, to be inclusive of pro-lifers.

“We now call upon Mr. Dean to show grassroots Democrats how serious he is regarding making more room in the party for pro-life Democrats," said the statement.

DNC members will pick a successor to outgoing Chairman Terry McAuliffe at a meeting Feb. 12 in Washington, D.C.

The other candidates include: former Rep. Martin Frost of Texas; Simon Rosenberg, head of the centrist New Democratic Network; former Ohio state party chairman David Leland; and Donnie Fowler, a veteran party activist and campaign manager for retired Gen. Wesley Clark's presidential bid.