On Friday, the Vatican made public a message written from the Pope to Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, archbishop of Prague, Czech Republic, and to bishops and friends of the Focolare Movement.

On February 19th-25th, members of the Movement participated in a congress held at Castelgandolofo, the Pope’s summer residence. The congress explored the presence of the Risen Lord as a vital principle of the Church.

The Holy Father wrote in the February 19th letter that, "this providential initiative, falling appropriately in the context of the year dedicated to the Eucharist, will surely be a source of renewed apostolic vitality and missionary daring for everyone as they face the not inconsiderable number of social and religious challenges of our time.”

“Indeed,” he continued, “during these days of study and prayer it is your shared intention to discern the most appropriate ways to bear witness, in modern society, to the presence of the Risen Christ, the center of the Church."

The Pope went on, challenging members, "With ever-living ardor, [to] contemplate Christ in the mystery of the Eucharist. Following His example, be ready in all circumstances to make yourselves instruments of mercy and communion.”

The secret of pastoral success is the crucified and risen Lord, Whom we adore in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. As you well know, in order to be eloquent signs of His love and instigators of His peace in all environments, everyone is first of all asked to cultivate an intimate and constant familiarity with Him.

From intense participation in the Eucharist springs the spiritual energy needed to bring all projects of goodness to fruition."