According to a report by the Canadian Press, many in the “great white north” don’t believe Pope John Paul II should step down despite his health problems.

At Mary Queen of the World Cathedral in Montreal last week, nearly 200 people came to a noon-hour Mass to pray for the well being of the Holy Father.

Many present commented that the decision to resign, heavily speculated in the worldwide press lately, should be left solely to the Pope himself.

“It's not my decision. It would be his. It's between him and God”, commented one parishioner.

They join faithful around the world praying for the Pope, as well as many more in cities like Ottawa and Quebec City.

According to the Canadian Press, “Many worshippers at the Montreal service said John Paul II shouldn't be pressured to relinquish his position as the spiritual guide of the world's one billion Roman Catholics.”

Quebec City Archbishop Marc Cardinal Ouellet, said in Toronto last week that he's happy the Pope seems to be recovering well from Thursday’s tracheotomy surgery in Rome’s Gemelli hospital.

He commented that, "The Pope has said many times he would not resign, that he wanted to go until the end."

“After his 27 years of service to the church and to the world I think we should respect this decision of the Holy Father."

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Vigils and prayer services are being held worldwide as faithful offer their prayers for the 84-year old Pontiff.