Terri Schindler Schiavo’s brother, Bobby Schindler, is scheduled to speak today on the Princeton University campus about his 41-year-old disabled sister, whose life depends on a court decision.

Terri Schiavo is at the center of national controversy. She suffered severe brain damage 15 years ago and depends on a feeding tube to stay alive. 

The courts, however, have ruled that her husband – who lives with another woman, with whom he has two children – has power of attorney, and thus has the legal authority to remove hydration and nutrition from Terri and, in essence, starve her to death. 

Schindler will discuss his sister’s situation and give listeners an inside look at his family’s legal and personal battles.  Moral philosophy professor Chris Tollefsen will discuss the moral issues surrounding euthanasia, nutrition and hydration.

"There are many conflicting reports in the media, and we hope that Mr. Schindler will dispel the myths surrounding his sister, especially about her being in a ‘vegetative state,’” said Ashley Pavlic, president of Princeton Pro-Life.  “We hope to help Princeton students realize the truth about the intrinsic value of human life."

The talk, titled “Euthanasia, Judicial Homicide and Terri Schiavo”, is to begin at 8 p.m. in room 10 of McCosh Hall.

The event is sponsored by Princeton Pro-Life and cosponsored by the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students and the Undergraduate Student Government Projects Board.