The Washington-based Judicial Confirmation network, recently began mobilizing a fight to halt what they call “blatantly partisan and personal attacks on many of the President’s nominees to the Federal Courts.”

Gary Marx, the group’s executive director said that the group’s message “is simple, the people want the Senate to do its work and our petition will remind Senators that they have an obligation to bring these nominations to the floor for a fair vote.”

Last week, the group began distributing petitions and e-mail alerts to citizens and activist organizations including Focus on the Family, Americans for Tax Reform, the Committee for Justice, Americans for Limited Government and the American Center for Law and Justice.

The group said that they expect thousands of respondents in coming weeks.
Marx noted that, “The public is well aware that some Senators are denying qualified candidates a fair vote simply because these candidates do not support their liberal ideology.”

People are tired of this kind of behavior in the U.S. Senate. They want their elected officials to do their jobs”, he said.

The Judicial Confirmation Network call themselves, “an organization of citizens joined together to support the confirmation of highly qualified individuals to the Supreme Court of the United States.”

Many pro-life advocates are closely watching the judicial appointments knowing that given the right judges, the Supreme Court could overturn the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision which legalized abortion in the U.S.

On line petitions are available at Judicial Confirmation Network’s website at,