An 81-year-old walking into a tattoo shop may sound like the start of a joke, but to Christine Nagel, her new ink is no laughing matter.

The Calgary grandmother recently had the words "Don't euthanize me" tattooed on her arm.

"It's drastic, but this very clearly says, 'I'm going to live until God's ready for me'," she told Canadian news outlet,

A devout Christian, Nagel opposes assisted suicide, which was legalized in Canada this summer. It is already legal in several other European countries.

In the U.S., a handful of states currently allow for assisted suicide, and numerous states have seen legislative pushes to legalize it in the past year.

The Catholic Church opposes all forms of suicide as violating the inherent dignity of human life. Catholic teaching supports palliative care and other options to alleviate suffering without killing a human person.

Critics of assisted suicide laws say they send the message to society that suicide is an acceptable way to handle suffering, and that they are ripe for abuse, from financially motivated killings and lack of consent to lethal pills changing hands.

Disability rights groups have argued that legalizing assisted suicide discriminates against the disabled and elderly, pressuring them to end their lives. They also note that the majority of patients who request assisted suicide withdraw that request when treated for depression, a statistic recognized by the Supreme Court.

To Nagel, assisted suicide can all too quickly come to be viewed as an easy way out, preferable over caring for the sick and elderly.

"All these old people are darned expensive to look after. And they're cranky. And they're messy. And you can't help thinking, 'This would be a really good solution'."

She lamented the lack of respect for life, and said that she does not want anyone interfering with God's plan for her own life.

"How would you feel if you turned up at the gates, and St. Peter got out the book and said, 'Just a minute – we weren't expecting you for another 18 months'?" she joked.

Nagel's children respect her decision and will honor her intentions.

"She doesn't want to be thrown away," her daughter Juliana told

This article was originally published on CNA Oct. 5, 2016.

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