Meeting with representatives of a homosexual group, Bishop Juan Jose Omella of Calahorra and La Calzada-Logroño of Spain said, “The Church understands their suffering and their pain” but does not agree with their ideas and “the manner of behavior of certain individuals and of these groups.”

According to the Spanish daily “La Razon,” which noted that “for the first time since 1994, a Spanish bishop has met with homosexual activists,” the bishop met with two representatives of the group “Gays and Lesbians From Here” at the end of February.  According to Bishop Omella, the representatives wanted to “make known their sentiments and experiences and why they feel they are misunderstood.”

“My response was that the Church understands their suffering and their pain” but does not agree with their ideas and “the manner of behavior of certain individuals and of these groups,” said Bishop Omella.

“As a person and as a Christian, I try to respect each human being with their joys and sufferings, because the Christ of the Gospel is always close to all.”  However, referring to the Gospel passage on the adulterous woman, Bishop Omella recalled that, “Jesus told her, ‘Go in peace,’ but he added, ‘and sin no more’,” reported La Razon.

According to the bishop, he met with the representatives because he “meets with all those who knock on his door.”

The Church “understands and feels close to homosexual persons, but the gay lobbys cannot impose incorrect parameters on society.”

“I left the meeting with the impression that it hurts them that people do not understand their position, but I have been faithful to the traditional teaching of the Church,” added the bishop, pointing out that “the followers of Jesus also have their faults and failings, but we trust in the mercy of God, without promoting something that we know is not normal.”