Pope John Paul II, especially in his dying hours, taught the world what it means to be human, said Cardinal Corman Murphy-O’Connor. Prior to leaving for Britain’s top Catholic cleric reflected on the death and life of Pope John Paul II. 

He commented that the attention the Pope’s final days and death have received in the international media and around the world was amazing, moving and a testament to the importance of his teaching.

“The lesson he gave us was that our dignity comes from God, and nothing, nothing, can take it away: not suffering, not even death. It is that part of us which is made by God and for God,” the cardinal-archbishop of Westminster said.

“Pope John Paul II gave of himself to the world; and in his final days the world gathered round him quite simply to give thanks for him,” he observed.

“This is a solemn time,” the cardinal stated. “The Catholic Church—and perhaps, in some senses, all Christians—have lost their shepherd; we are, in these days, missing a visible expression of our unity.”

Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams said: “Pope John Paul was a leader of manifest holiness and a faithful and prayerful friend of the Anglican Church.”