Thousands of letters have been pouring into the Vatican this week claiming miraculous cures attributed to the intercession of the late Pope John Paul II. However, one the most eloquent testimonies came not through the mail but was shared live from St. Peter’s Basilica.

During the second of the nine Masses offered for the repose of Pope Wojtyla at the Vatican Basilica on Saturday, April 9, at 5pm local time, the celebrant, Cardinal Francesco Marchisano, the archpriest of St. Peter’s, said he was cured through the Pope’s prayers five years ago.

“I underwent an operation for my carotid arteries and because of a mistake by the doctors my right vocal chord was left paralyzed, leaving me almost completely unable to vocalize.  The Pope caressed the place on my throat where I had been operated, telling me he would pray for me.  After some time I began to speak normally again,” Cardinal Marchisano said.

Thousands of accounts of such reported miracles attributed to John Paul II are being received at the Vatican.  Most are about healings from diseases, tumors and numerous conversion stories.  Many of the letters begin with the words, “Thank you, Your Holiness, for the miracle you have granted me.”