Four representatives from Courage International, Inc. – a Catholic ministry which supports those who experience homosexual inclinations in choosing chastity – participated in the Mexican Bishops' Conference plenary assembly last month.

Courage was among a handful of apostolates at the April 25-28 plenary assembly, which took place in Cuautitlán Izcalli, Mexico State.

"The accompaniment that Courage provides is a gift of Divine Providence, and it offers what very few of us do: that spiritual and human companionship which helps our brothers and sisters on their path to holiness and a real experience of faith," said Bishop Ramón Castro of Cuernavaca, México.

"It is very important that, with enthusiasm, courage, and the Gospel in hand, we enlighten the lives of many brothers and sisters who need to be accompanied along this path."

Fr. Philip Bochanski, executive director of the organization, was present at the assembly, along with Fr. Don Wainwright, Courage-Latino coordinator and the chaplain who initiated the apostolate in Mexico, and Rossana Goni, coordinator for Courage-Latino and EnCourage in the United States.

Andres, a Courage member from Chihuahua State, also attended and addressed the bishops' conference, saying "the Church has been in my life through Courage."

"I know now that I am not alone. I have my brothers in the apostolate who listen to me, correct me and help me; I can talk about all of this without feeling judged and I am able to find friendships which help me to grow in all matters of life," he said.

Started in 1980, Courage now has more than 100 chapters and 1500 members in 14 countries. A companion group, EnCourage, supports families and friends of persons with homosexual inclinations. Both groups have received canonical status in the Church as a diocesan clerical public association of the faithful.