Accredited journalists at the Vatican were shown a video Monday of the St. Martha residence, inaugurated by Pope John Paul II in 1995, where the cardinals will be staying the next conclave.

The Vatican also showed a video of the kilometer-long journey the cardinals must take each day in order to reach the Sistine Chapel, where voting will take place.  A minibus will transport the cardinals along the Via delle Fondamenta.

In addition, details about the new urns that will hold the cast ballots were revealed.  The Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis requires the use of an urn instead of two chalices to collect the votes of those cardinals unable to leave the St. Martha residence because of illness.

The new urns are made of gold and bronze with engravings of Biblical symbols, especially of a shepherd and his flock. They were designed by Italian sculptor Cecco Bonanotte, who also designed the new entrance doors at the Vatican Museums, which were inaugurated during the Jubilee Year of 2000.

The video also showed images of the stove where the ballots will be burned after voting.  White smoke will indicate the election of new Pontiff.