The British Catholic Action Group (CAG) is criticizing the BBC for ignoring its requests for a televised debate on the issue of abortion in light of the U.K.’s upcoming general elections.

In a statement today, the group said that they’re “disappointed that…the BBC has missed a real opportunity to demonstrate it is balanced on current morals issues such as abortion in the lead up to the general election.”

The C.A.G,’s National Coordinator John Gunn added that, "Whilst the BBC has covered many election issues, it has not in the public interest adequately raised the abortion issue even though a recent national poll showed that well over 50% of the population favour a reduction in the legal abortion limit.”

“Moral issues”, he said, “are very important in MP candidate selection but few candidates willingly or openly discuss these issues or let the public know how they will vote on life."

The group is also calling on UK’s Catholic Church leaders to become more vocal on life issues. Although they noted Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor’s recent public comments on abortion, they’re disappointed that as of late, the Church has been all but silent.

Chris Walsh, a spokesman for the group said that, "In any election year, abortion is a topic that needs to be debated both publicly and fairly. The future of 900,000 pre-born babies over the next parliament term lies in the balance. Church leaders, must not be silent on this, their leadership is required. There has not been a fair public televised debate on this issue."