Responding to news on Friday that Spain’s Congress approved a law making homosexual unions equivalent to marriage and allowing the adoption of children by homosexual couples, the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, warned that the family in Spain is being destroyed “brick by brick.”

“What is happening in Spain, with a limited majority, is the destruction of the family brick by brick,” the cardinal said in an interview with the Italian daily Corriere della Sera.

“Have they consulted with families in Spain? Have they done any in-depth studies?” the Colombian cardinal asked.  “The family is a reciprocal gift between a man and a woman which demands faithfulness, exclusivity, openness to new life and to children,” he said.

The cardinal recalled that “a law is not right just because it is a law, but rather because it is good and does good.”  If not, he noted, “a form of judicial positivism that makes no sense is created.  You cannot impose evil things on people,” he added.

Cardinal Lopez Trujillo also called for conscientious objection to the application of the law.  “Because it is an evil law, the Church urgently calls for the exercising of freedom of conscience and the duty to oppose.”  All professional people required to apply the law must exercise “the same conscientious objection required of doctors and nurses against the crime of abortion.”