Speaking with the Catholic news agency Fides, Fr. Nizar Semaan, a renowned priest of the diocese of Nineveh (Iraq), said the capture of Saddam Hussein is an opportunity for Iraqis to begin building a new future.

“The news that Saddam Hussein had been captured was welcomed with great joy by the people of Iraq despite uncertainty about the future because we know that behind the repeated acts of terrorism in Iraq there are other groups not connected with the former dictator,” said Fr. Nizar. 

“The arrest of Saddam Hussein” Father Nizar said “is the end of a chapter in the history of Iraq a chapter of crimes against humanity, injustice, poverty, sanctions, emigration of youth in desperate search of a better future”.

“Now we can turn the page. With the help of the international community we must now build a new Iraq of peace, justice and harmony,” he added.

According to Fr. Nizar, Hussein should not be tried only by Iraqis, because “most of us were victims of his dictatorship, we all applauded him when he was in power. We are too involved to be able to pass objective judgment. It would be better to have an international Court which includes Iraqis among the judges”.